It all started wen I was a little pup, my mum always told me stories about my grandfather, whom I never met.

"Back in the BSC wars, your grandfather was the best samurai, fighting entire armies of FUDDERS at a time, by himself."

"There was no samurai like your grandfather... Kabosu was know in the whole world.."

"One day tho, towards the end of the war, your grandfather dissappeared. Nobody knows where he went, or what happened to him, but a thing is for sure..."

"After searching every nook and cranny of the warfield, your grandpa's body was never found..."

"He might still be out there... somewhere..." - my mother told me with tears in her eyes.

I am Doki, here in the Solana ecosystem, to keep my grandpa's legacy going and to hopefully find him, one day... I love you Kabosu



Become $doki, the best samurai on the solana blockhain